
Christophe Coulouvrat, art framer

In his workshop-gallery located in the heart of Montchat, art framer Christophe Coulouvrat makes custom frames to showcase all kinds of graphic works.

Christophe Coulouvrat, encadreur d'art

It is a rare art profession. In Lyon, there are about ten framers. Among them, Christophe Coulouvrat, 47 years old, came to this profession after a professional reconversion. Previously manager of a business travel agency, he was a painter and sculptor in his spare time. "I didn't know the framing profession at all," he says. After a week of discovery with Brigit Langloy, a framer in the Old Lyon, he decided to start. He followed a training course at the IRMACC in Saint-Etienne, worked in alternation at the Encadreur du Parc in the 6th district and passed his CAP as an independent candidate. 

In 2016, he opened his own workshop in Montchat. "I wanted to work in my neighborhood. In addition, here, I attract customers from the whole eastern part of Lyon. In his job, Christophe Coulouvrat appreciates "all the manual part, working with wood, painting ... And also bring happiness to people. No matter the work and its value, I put meaning and feeling when someone brings me something to frame.

Passionate about street art, he maintains close ties with collectors and artists in this field. Thanks to him, the walls of his neighborhood have been covered with two giant frescos. The cat, signed Bur, on the side of the restaurant La Gamelle. The blue Knar, signed Pec, on the wall of the Super U. Other works of street-artists and photographers selected by Christophe Coulouvrat are also to be discovered on the walls of his workshop which is also a gallery. 

Address: 44, cours Richard-Vitton, Lyon 3rd. 

Contact details : 09 81 60 25 29. 

Find here the website of his workshop.

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